Blake Shelton gives Gwen Stefani props…
Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson love each other…

Blake Shelton ordained Gwen Stefani with the title of “adopted Okie.”
Gwen earned the nickname for her ability to find Indian arrowheads on his property in Oklahoma.
He wrote on Twitter, “Hey Gwen Stefani it’s official… With your arrowhead finding eye you are now an adopted Okie!!! Side note: I love you pretty girl…#truth”
Blake included a picture of her catch — 13 arrowheads!

American Idol and Nashville ladies stick together.
Recently, a website tried to pit Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood against each other in a poll to name the most popular American Idol winner.
Neither Kelly nor Carrie was impressed. First Kelly tweeted, “I think we’re both winning in life and pretty blessed! Singers, mamas, CEOs…#AmbitiousBlondes”
Carrie replied, “Whatever, girl, I voted for you! But seriously, I do wish more publications would just celebrate women’s success without pitting them against each other… Just my thoughts…anyway…Love ya’! Hope you’re well!”
In case you we’re wondering, Carrie is winning.